Use "Terrain Normal" if you like to always align the objects according the terrain normal. This is useful in hilly areas to avoid the terrain break through the road because of the Unity terrain LOD system. DO NOT use the splatmap features if you are using more then 8 textures on your terrain! However you could try reloading the scene, the full road object should this be there unless you save the scene after this process. This will display the currently available water scripts in the project folder. After getting familiar with all these road specific features it is time to start with the Side Objects features. easyroads3d pro

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This allows you to easily select a marker.

Execute this option if you want to restore the terrain splatmap data to its original state. These are the control points that will define the shape of the road.

EasyRoads3D Pro v3 3.1.7

The road scene in the demo project uses this feature for the "Right Fence" in the sharp corner. After releasing [shift] and the mouse button the surfaces will be updated.

When this road object has active side objects you will see a button "Built Por Objects". Procedural Mesh Object If this point is set to index 0, start here.

EasyRoads3D Manual

Alternatively you can check "Distribute Heights" which will gradually lower the terrain from the previous marker to the terrain height at the selected marker. This error can appear immediately after importing the package in Unity 4. EasyRoads3D supports custom road splatmaps based on the raw shape of the road. If you exported the geometry with terrain lightmap support you will see 4 corner easyrosds3d.

easryoads3d Insert road markers works similar as adding road markers but instead of adding the marker at the end of the road, it will insert the marker between the 2 closest markers to the mouse position.

When finished, the white surfaces will disappear and the terrain will match the road mesh. These assets can be used in your own projects. Make sure the scene camera is in perspective mode Scene Gizmo or one of the axis is selected when adding or inserting markers. eqsyroads3d

EasyRoads3D Pro - Unitylover - Free Unity Assets - Free Unitypackage

Fill in your serial number, your name and email address. Use this feature to increase the distance between the road and the edge where the terrain has the same height as the road. If it already connects, the easgroads3d will be 1.

EasyRoads3D uses layers 29, 30 and Repeat this procedure until all points are correctly connected. In that case try closing Monodevelop before importing the package. By selecting a marker you can adjust the side object settings for this marker for any of the available side objects.

This is to make sure the EasyRoads3D object is correctly initialized on startup and also to ensure that the original terrain data is preserved. Click the prefab you want to attach to the selected marker.

EasyRoads3D Pro v3

Select the terrain texture you like to use for the road shape. Did Unity automatically apply rotation values to the prefab or are the rotation values 0, 0, 0? Click the Build Terrain s button to start the process.

easyroads3d pro

Clicking the Terrain tab from the marker toolbar will select the main road object first. The importance of the correct rotation setup of prefabs is also explained here.

Assetstore packages should directly import. The rotation of prefabs whether used por Start Asset, End Assets, connection object or when used on an Instantitaed Object type is important:. Instead, divide the instantiated objects in groups by parenting them to an empty game object and apply the Unity combine script.

easyroads3d pro

However you could try reloading the scene, the full road object should this be there unless you save the scene after this process. This will allow you to use the terrain lightmap on the road.

easyroads3d pro

You will see that the road system will create surfaces representing the road and the affected surrounding which are configurable in General Settings.
