Google [Bot] and 0 guests. By default, the Windows service run as Local System. Load is also distributed on all hosts and not Nagios centric. As the subject itself is a bit complicated, start basic by grabbing all and exclude after. I'm sure you actually meant nrpe right? nsclient++ for linux

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Llinux it is better to go to the source and download the latest stable release. Thanks for choosing the Nagios forums! OP5 Monitor peers can be used to seamlessly set up redundant monitoring and instant synchronization of your IT configuration and data.

To edit it you can use any text editor such as notepad. For example, the nrpe.

Tutorial - NSClient++

Table of contents How it works Requirements Windows: I am completely flummoxed. What is New Auto Discovery Automatically discovers all the devices […]. There is an advanced topic when it comes to modules and that is loading the same linu multiple times.

When a module is loaded multiple times it is given an alias as a key since key names have to be unique and thus the syntax changes into this:. We will start the same why by presenting the various modules you can use and covering how to configure some of them.

If you turn it off, and communication works, then you'll need to either leave it off, or configure it properly. To make you configuration you first need to decide which modules you nslcient++ then and configure each one of them in turn.

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After OP5 joined ITRS Group in Augustwe have been working hard to build a unified, global business to offer you more capabilities through our expanded solution set and service offerings.

Check out our Nagios integration: We do recommend that you do not skip this step, as you will have issues later and get frustrated… What is 15minutes tor to a great monitoring solution?

Nagios windows monitoring setup step by step

They both support transferring files but they have slightly different approaches so things work differently but the end result is the same.

Note Event-logs are a great source of information for monitoring.

If you modify the file, you should restart the xinetd. Select all systemctl restart xinetd.

nsclient++ for linux

Another thing that could prevent IP communication is the firewall. I'm sure you actually meant nrpe right?

Ubuntu - NSClient++ From GitHub - Nagios and Nagios Related Information

Not sure why just yet. There are a few ways you can enable modules, setting the value to 1, true and enabled are all correct but enabled is preferred like so:. You can enable all and use only one, but that may open doors for nothing and add nsclietn++ on liinux systems.

This board is for support questions relating to Nagios XI. Select all systemctl stop firewalld and see if that makes a difference.

How to Install NRPE on Ubuntu 18.04 & 16.04 LTS

On XP andit nearly means admin right, which is contrary to the target. Whenever you do change one of those files, you have to tell the OS that you made a change. If you have other protocols or monitoring solutions the general concepts can be easily adapted to any of the other supported protocols.

Do that by running Code: Who is online Users browsing this forum: Also note that on Windows after Vista the ini file is residing in a protected space and thus you need to launch the editor as administrator to edit the files. Event-logs are a great source of information for monitoring. In our case the end result is that a monitoring result gets submitted to Monitoring server.

nsclient++ for linux
